Fundraising Events
DART exists through limited funding by grants and community donations. Our grants are not guaranteed, and without community support our program could not continue. DART normally organizes and holds two fundraising event each year, the DART Radiothon and Give for Good. Other groups and organizations hold their own fundraising events for DART, generously adding to our operating budget and providing protection for ongoing services.
2019 was the first year DART. participated in Give For Good, a 24-hour online giving challenge that brings North Louisiana together to benefit our local nonprofits. Give For Good is North Louisiana's largest day of giving. The event was established in 2014 by the Community Foundation of North Louisiana, and since then has raised over $9 million for our communities! Give For Good allows community members to discover and engage with nonprofit organizations and make a contribution to causes they feel strongly about. Whether you give $10 or $10,000, you have a hand in transforming your community.
One of the advantages of donating to your favorite organizations at is that your donation will help DART and the other organizations acquire partial matching funds. Your donation and the good it can do will go further.
This year, Give for Good is May 3, 2022. Donors can go online at to set up their donation through May 3. We are excited to be a part of this great effort and are grateful to the community for supporting us.
DART Radiothon
Since 2002, D.A.R.T. has held an annual Radiothon to raise funds and promote awareness.
This year, 2022, the radiation took place Thursday, October 6. We exceeded our goal of $75,000.
DART’s Radiothon is a team effort, and includes the participation and partnership of Q94.1 FM, Super 1 Foods in Ruston, the Louisiana Tech chapter of Kappa Sigma fraternity, and a roster of speakers who support DART A score of volunteers from the town and universities help in other ways throughout the day. With this level of collaboration and effort, our community steps forward to contribute to our goal and help us in our efforts to continue to help keep families safe from domestic violence.
It is not unusual for survivors of domestic violence, many of whom have used DART’s services in the past, to come by the Radiothon and share their stories with the staff and volunteers. Throughout the day, children will drop coins and bills into the collection buckets held by fraternity members outside. Businesses will come in with pledges and donations and faithful friends will show up to offer their annual gifts. The Radiothon brings together all of these different groups, people of all ages and experiences, to help DART raise vital funds to cover costs and expenses which are not included in our grants.
Walk a Mile by Alpha Chi Omega Beta Psi Chapter
For several year in a row, the young women of Alpha Chi Omega Beta Psi at Louisiana Tech hosted a fun and festive event to raise awareness and funds for DART. While this event first challenged men to “walk a mile” in high-heeled shoes or bedazzled flip flops, the sorority later invited women to try the same mile in extra-large men’s shoes. Students, parents, families and now even dogs participate! Spirits are high, costumes are wildly colorful, and hundreds of people (and animals!) walk a mile to raise awareness of domestic violence. DART thanks the sisters of Alpha Chi Omega, whose national philanthropy is domestic violence, for holding this family-friendly fundraiser!